Saturday, December 9, 2006

To quote The Eagles . . .

"It's like going to confession/every time I hear you speak"

You may not be aware of this, but it's not necessary for you to verbalize every thought in your head. Every thought and every feeling you have is blurted out for all to hear. Why do you do that?

Granted, I work in the tech industry, which isn't exactly known for it's sparkling personalities . . . but even card-carrying members of the Sci-Fi Channel fan club have the ability to tone it down and get on with their lives after a while. Not you. You have no concept of an internal filter. You never take a moment to pause, and decide if what you're thinking really needs to be said.

Your lazy husband? Don't care. Your video-game addicted feral children? Don't care. An extensive history of your favorite types of shampoo? Don't care.

There's no mistaking that we need rational and intelligent discussion during these uncertain times, but you fall into neither one of those categories. Then you use the whiny, catch-all excuse of the socially inept, by proclaiming that people who get tired of your yammering are "conservative". Hey, it has nothing to do with political beliefs . . . but it has everything to do with your gossipy, duplicitous, shrill, and ignorant communication style.

Give it a rest already. Please.

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